Committed to a lifetime of learning about America's true Black history.
The main feature of this site is the creation of articles summarizing Black History as we learn about it, which will be a lifelong project that does not stop every year on March 1st. We are committed to learning and sharing our true American history, in all its terrible bloody glory, so we can stop repeating the same unjust, racist patterns we've been stuck in for hundreds of years.
We also have suggestions of meaningful actions you can take, from civic engagement, donations of any size, paying people fairly for the work that they do, or even just talking to people around you and calling out racism when you see it… our central point with this project is asking you just to try. Ask questions. Accidentally say the wrong thing. If you say something out of ignorance (as we have frequently done), apologize, and take the correction, but keep learning and talking about it. When it comes to rectifying evil, trying and failing is indescribably better than not trying at all. It doesn’t matter what lane you’re in or how fast you are travelling, as long as you’re headed in the right direction.
We're not trying to have a Black History Month... we're trying to have a Black History LIFE.
Stacey Abrams
“When we show up, act boldly, and practice the best ways to be wrong, we fail forward. No matter where we end up, we’ve grown from where we began.”